Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Smithfield Seeks New Volunteer Firefighters

SMITHFIELD, Utah — Smithfield Fire Department will be holding its new hire testing at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 13, at the fire station, 325 West 100 North. Anyone interested in joining the department is encouraged to pick up an application at Smithfield City Hall, 96 S. Main. Applications will also be available the night of the test at the fire station.

Capt. Thomas Maples explained that the test, which is held twice a year, includes a written exam and a physical skills and agility exam. Participants are encouraged to dress appropriately for the skills and agility exam. 

Chief Jay Downs said the department provides fire and emergency medical services to residents in Smithfield, Hyde Park, Amalga and Benson. There is no experience necessary, but experience will provide additional points in the selection process. Downs added that participants should be in good physical shape and be willing to make the necessary commitments to the department.

Those commitments include completing basic structural firefighting, wildland firefighting, and Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training within two years of being hired. The department pays for the training, but the classes require more than 200 hours usually during evenings and on weekends. Additionally, new volunteers must complete a 5-week orientation class and participate in weekly training drills.

Smithfield Fire Department does not have a residency requirement. But successful candidates are required to stay at or near the station when they are on duty, which is approximately 1 night per week. For more information, call 563-3056 ext. 405.

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