Monday, September 30, 2013

Mass Casualty Drill



Mass Casualty Drill

Logan, Utah – September 29, 2013 – The Logan Fire Department would like to thank all those involved in the mass casualty drill held Saturday, September 28, 2013 at the Logan/Cache Airport.

The drill encompassed an 18 month process culminating in exercising several pre-determined plans to meet the needs of an airplane crash, a mass casualty event, transporting a large number of patients to treatment centers, and reconnecting students with family members.

We simulated 59 patients, 17 with critical injuries, 14 of moderate injuries, 9 with minor injuries and 19 deceased.  The drill involved over 200 people to fill the various roles of responders, evaluators, patients and support staff.

One of the vital lessons learned was the ability to use first responder resources from throughout the valley to assist in the transportation of patients to area hospitals in a mass casualty event.

Other pre-planned elements that were put into practice include the use of transit buses to transport several patients with minor injuries, the ability of Public Information Officers to communicate with the public and the media, USU was able to exercise their Student Services to reunite patients with families, and hospitals abilities to receive multiple patients.

Craig Humphreys, Deputy Chief
North Logan Fire Department
2005 North 1200 East
North Logan, Utah 84341


Monday, September 23, 2013

Logan Structure Fire



Structure Fire

Logan, Utah – September 23, 2013 – The Logan Fire Department with automatic aid departments responded to a report of a structure fire in a manufacturing building located at 1651 North 1000 West, Logan.  The fire was reported by the building’s fire alarm system and a 911 call from an employee at approximately 1:46 am Monday morning. 

Upon arrival the fire department found smoke throughout one of the manufacturing areas of the building.  The fire had been extinguished by the activation of two fire sprinklers.  All employees had evacuated the building prior to the fire department arrival.  One employee was transported to the hospital due to injuries sustained in a fall while evacuating.  

The fire originated in a machine involved in weather sealing parts.  Employees where purging lines as part of shutting down the operation when the fire occurred.  The machine had extensive damage.  Water caused additional damage to ceiling tiles and items on the floor.  Damage is estimated at $80,000.00.  No damage to other structures was reported.

Craig Humphreys, Deputy Chief
North Logan Fire Department
2005 North 1200 East
North Logan, Utah 84341


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

North Cottonwood Fire

Hyrum , Utah – September 17, 2013

Fire units from Hyrum, Paradise, Wellsville, Mendon, North Logan, Logan, Smithfield and the Cache County Fire District responded to Black Smith Fork Canyon on a wildland fire. First arriving units reported flames moving up the mountain west of North Cottonwood. Heavy winds and dry fuel aided in the rapid spread of the fire.

Firefighters were able to contain the fire from moving any farther east and were able to stop the fire on the west from damaging camp trailers in the area.

Forest service units along with members of the Logan and the Bonneville hot shot crews arrived on scene to aid in the containment of the fire.

The fire burned roughly 80 acres the cause of the fire is still under investigation at this time.

Hand crews will be on scene today to mop up the hot spots and finish securing the line.

Black Smith Fork Canyon will remain open and will not affect the Top of Utah Marathon this weekend.

Fire Information:
Jason Winn
Fire Marshal
Cache County Fire District

(435) 755-1674