News Release
September 7, 2012
Fire Restrictions to be lifted
on BLM, State and Unincorporated Private Lands Statewide
Effective as of September 6, 2012 state fire managers have
rescinded all 2012 fire closures on all BLM, state, and unincorporated private
lands. Campfires and other normally permitted activities are now permitted. Cities
and towns still have varying fire restrictions, so the public is advised to
check with there local authorities. While the statewide fire restrictions on
target shooting is rescinded, Cache County officials want to remind everyone that the
conditions are still dry in Cache
County. Officials urge everyone
to be responsible, while having recreational fires and target shooting.
The Cache County Fire District will be opening the fall burn
on October 1, 2012, for a one month period. Anyone wishing to burn yard waste
must call and obtain a burn permit from the Cache County Fire District.
Jason Winn
Fire Marshal
Cache County Fire District